Sunday, June 17, 2012

a midnight kitchen! kitchen!

A midnight snack of smoke turkey, jarlsberg cheese, tomato and baby spinach pannini sandwich

You would think that my son, after a whole day spent with his dad on father's day, he would have been thoroughly fed. But, not so. I was just thinking of making myself half a sandwich, when I saw him in the computer room working. Well, I have to ask if he wants a sandwich too. The answer of course was a big YES. A good mother as I am ( do I hear a drum roll)...I made a pannini sandwich of what I have in the fridge.

slices of smoke turkey
slices of Jarslberg cheese
slices of tomatoes
some baby spinach leaves
toasted whole wheat bread - with a dollop of mayo

Butter each end of the bread and put on a heated gridle and weigh it down with something heavy for a few seconds and do the other side until the cheese starts to melt.

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